KARMA 2: RTC Model: LF1 - Dual LFOs 1

What this RTC Model does

This RTC Model has two of KARMA’s three independent envelopes set up to operate as dual LFOs (low frequency oscillators), which can be configured to send any CC# (in addition to some other special KARMA functions). This is useful for sweeping filters, controlling effects such as flangers, phasers and talking modulators, creating panning movements, applying pitch bend shapes, and more.

The GEs using this RTC Model are setup to produce different combinations of Triangle, Sawtooth, and Square waves. The LFOs can be looped, unlooped (one-shot), or triggered by various rhythmic patterns.

Note that this RTC Model's GE RTP selection is identical to RTC Model 09: EN1 - Dual Env Gen - the difference is the way the 8 sliders and 8 switches have been assigned to it, and the settings of the GE RTP.

Key: RTC Model Control Groupings by Color
Note Generation
Pitch Bend
Melodic Repeat
KARMA Wave-Sequence
FX/CC Control
LFO/Envelope 1
LFO/Envelope 2

RTC Model: LF1 - Dual LFOs 1
Slider 1 LFO Min Val [1] Switch 1 LFO On/Off [1]
Slider 2 LFO Max Val [1] Switch 2 LFO Loop On/Off [1]
Slider 3 LFO Rate (Fine) [1] Switch 3 LFO Note Trigger [1]
Slider 4 LFO Rate (Coarse) [1] Switch 4 LFO Note Trig Multiplier
Slider 5 LFO Min Val [2] Switch 5 LFO On/Off [2]
Slider 6 LFO Max Val [2] Switch 6 LFO Loop On/Off [2]
Slider 7 LFO Rate (Fine) [2] Switch 7 LFO Note Trigger [2]
Slider 8 LFO Rate (Coarse) [2] Switch 8 LFO Note Trig Rhythm
Note: The slider/switch names describe how they change the sound generated by the GE. They are not names of specific GE parameters. Some of them control multiple GE parameters at the same time. To determine exactly what a specific slider or switch in this RTC Model is doing, look in the ASSIGN fields of the GE RTP tab of the KARMA pages for a combi or program. This will tell you the specific GE parameters (and their min, max and assigned values) corresponding to that slider/switch. You can then look up the definition of these parameters in the Parameter Guide for your keyboard model.

Slider/Switch descriptions

As shown by the table above, LFO 1 is controlled by Sliders 1-4 and Switches 1-3, while LFO 2 is controlled by Sliders 5-8 and Switches 5-7, in an identical configuration. Switches 4 and 8 control the Note Trigger Rhythm Pattern for both LFOs.

Slider 1 LFO Min Val [1] Controls the minimum value sent out by LFO 1 - for example, when sending a CC the full range is 0 to 127; setting this to 32 would make the range 32 to 127. Used in conjunction with Slider 2, this allows you to compress or expand the waveform to operate in any range of 0 to 127. Operate the two Sliders in reverse (min higher than max) to invert the waveform.
Slider 2 LFO Max Val [1] Controls the maximum value sent out by LFO 1 - for example, when sending a CC the full range is 0 to 127; setting this to 96 would make the range 0 to 96. Used in conjunction with Slider 1, this allows you to compress or expand the waveform to operate in any range of 0 to 127. Operate the two Sliders in reverse (min higher than max) to invert the waveform.
Slider 3 LFO Rate (Fine) [1] Controls the "fine" speed of LFO 1 by compressing or expanding several of Envelope 1's time parameters. This operates in conjunction with Slider 4 to control the exact speed.
Slider 4 LFO Rate (Coarse) [1] Controls the "coarse" speed of LFO 1 by changing the Time Scale parameter of Envelope 1, from 1 second to 10 seconds. This operates in conjunction with Slider 3 to control the exact speed.
Slider 5 LFO Min Val [2] Same as Slider 1, for LFO 2.
Slider 6 LFO Max Val [2] Same as Slider 2, for LFO 2.
Slider 7 LFO Rate (Fine) [2] Same as Slider 3, for LFO 2.
Slider 8 LFO Rate (Coarse) [2] Same as Slider 4, for LFO 2.
Switch 1 LFO On/Off [1] Turns LFO 1 on and off.
Switch 2 LFO Loop On/Off [1] Turns looping for LFO 1 on and off. When off, the LFO operates as a "one-shot" triggered envelope. Note that for looping to work, the Module's Envelope 1 Latch setting must be set to Rel 1 or Rel 2.
Switch 3 LFO Note Trigger [1] Activates a Rhythm Pattern that will rhythmically trigger LFO 1 with a series of notes, which allows different syncopated patterns rather than just a repetitive loop. You don't actually want to hear the notes themselves, so the Module's MIDI Filter Page must have "Notes" in the Transmission section set to Off. You can select which Rhythm Pattern is used with GE RTP #31.
Switch 4 LFO Note Trig Multiplier Multiplies the rhythm of the Rhythm Pattern that is used for triggering LFO 1 (when Switch 3 is on), and/or LFO 2 (when Switch 7 is on) such that it is doubled (half as fast). You can change the multiplication with GE RTP #32.
Switch 5 LFO On/Off [2] Same as Switch 1, for LFO 2.
Switch 6 LFO Loop On/Off [2] Same as Switch 2, for LFO 2.
Switch 7 LFO Note Trigger [2] Same as Switch 3, for LFO 2.
Switch 8 LFO Note Trig Rhythm Switches between two preselected Rhythm Patterns, from within 64 available Rhythm Patterns, to be used for triggering LFO 1 (when Switch 3 is on), and/or LFO 2 (when Switch 7 is on). You can change which Rhythm Patterns are selected with GE RTP #31.

Example programs and combis


  • M3:
    • U-B021
    • U-B041
  • OASYS:
    • [need references]
  • Kronos:
    • [need references]


  • M3:
    • I-B073 module C
      • Module C adds an effect to the drums played by module D (both modules affect MIDI channel 4, timbre 6). Make sure module D is on and playing drums, then turn C on and off while listening closely.
  • OASYS:
    • [need references and modules]
  • Kronos:
    • [need references and modules]

Module settings that are necessary

For these LFOs to work properly, care must be taken that certain parameters in the upper level Module in the Performance (Combi/Prog) are set properly.

  1. For the looping to work (i.e. to produced a continuous waveform that repeats, not a one-shot effect), you must have Envelope Latch Mode (in the Trigger Page) set to Rel1 or Rel2 for both Envelopes 1 and 2.
  2. The GEs using this RTC Model also produce notes that can be used to trigger the envelopes using the Note Trigger parameters (Switches 3, 4, 7 and 8). Typically, you do not want to hear these notes, as they are only for triggering the envelope – you only want the CCs that the envelope is generating. The notes should be filtered out using KARMA’s MIDI Filter pages – turn off the Notes checkbox in the Transmission section.

Additional notes

  1. Rhythm Swing % is available as GE RT Parameter #15, but it is not assigned to any control by default. When using the Note Trigger features to rhythmically trigger the LFOs with notes, you may wish to apply a swing feel by adjusting the value of the GE RTP. Note that this can also be assigned to the Master Layer Swing Slider (usually Slider 1) in a Combi.
  2. You can “invert” any waveform by setting the LFO's Min Slider above the Max Slider.

Waveform reference

How the Sliders are assigned to the various Envelope Parameters to create the three waveform shapes:

Start Level Attack Time Attack Level Decay Time Sustain Level Release Time Release Level
LFO 1 Tri 1 3 2 3 1 - 1
Saw 1 3 2 - 2 - 2
Sqr 1 3 1 - 2 3 2
LFO 2 Tri 5 7 6 7 5 - 5
Saw 5 7 6 - 6 - 6
Sqr 5 7 5 - 6 7 6

GE Real-Time Parameters (32 GE RTP)

The following table shows the default GE Real-Time Parameters in an initialized RTC model. It's very rare that any of the parameters with slider/switch assignments are ever changed for a particular GE based on this RTC model. However a KARMA Designer will quite often change some of the non-assigned parameters, particularly in the 17-24 range, so some of the parameters that you see in a specific GE using this RTC model might not exactly match the following table.

RTC Model: LF1 - Dual LFOs 1 - 32 GE RTP
No. GE RT Parameter Min Max Value Assign
1 Env: Env On/Off [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0001 - - - - Switch 1

Turns Envelope 1 On/Off.

2 Env: Env Type [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0101 Val:+0022 - - - -

Allows you to choose any CC (or Velocity, Tempo, Pitch Bend, Duration etc.) for Envelope 1. Note that because the first six items are "special", the actual CC value is offset by "6". So to specify CC 16 (Ribbon), you would set the value to +0022, as shown here - then you will see the CC 016 number automatically displayed in each associated parameter name. Note: some of the first six “special settings” may not be valid depending on other internal settings of the GE.

3 Env: Start Level [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 1
4 Env: Attack Time [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 3
5 Env: Attack Lvl [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 2
6 Env: Decay Time [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 3
7 Env: Sustain Lvl [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 1
8 Env: Rel. Time [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Val:+0000 - - - -
9 Env: Rel. Level [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 1

The Envelope Level and Time parameters (3-9) are set the way they need to be for the particular LFO Waveform that is being created (Triangle, Sawtooth, Square). They generally should not be adjusted from their default settings. Their Slider assignments will also vary depending on the Waveform being created. Certain of the Level parameters will be grouped together on the "LFO Min" and "LFO Max" Sliders, and certain of the Time parameters will be grouped together on the "LFO Rate (Fine)" Slider - see the “Waveform Reference” Table at the end of this section.

10 Env: Amp Amount [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Val:+0099 - - - -

Sets an overall amplitude amount for the entire envelope. When used in a Combi, this can be assigned to the Master Layer.

11 Env: Time Scale [1] 016 Min:+0001 Max:+0010 Ctr:+0005 Slider 4

Sets the overall Time Scale, from 1 to 10 seconds. This is assigned to Slider 4 as "LFO Rate (Coarse)."

12 Env: Tempo Reltv [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0001 Val:+0001 - - - -

When On, the LFO will change speed when the Tempo is changed, and remain "relative" to the Tempo setting. When Off, the LFO will stay at the same rate when varying the Tempo.

13 Env: Loop Mode [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0002 - - - - Switch 2

Allows the LFO to continue looping. Turn off for a "one shot" LFO. Also, when using the Note Trigger features, you may want this off. Note that the Performance “Env. Latch Mode” setting is also related to how this functions.

14 Env: Note Trig [1] 016 Min:+0000 Max:+0001 - - - - Switch 3

When off, the LFO will loop (or function as a one-shot) according to the settings of Switch 2, “Loop Mode.” Turning this on causes the underlying Rhythm Pattern of single notes to trigger the LFO as an Envelope Generator, creating rhythmic pulses (you may wish to turn Switch 2 off in this case). Switches 4 and 8 and RTP 31 control the exact pattern of pulses. Note that you should have the Notes filtered out in the MIDI Filter section, unless you want to hear the actual single notes that cause the triggering!

15 Rhythm: Swing% 0~100,-200,+200 Min:+0000 Max:+0102 Val:+0000 - - - -

Allows a swing/hip-hop feel to be applied to the Rhythm Patterns that can be used to trigger the LFOs using the Note Trigger features. While not assigned to a control by default, in a Combi, this can be assigned to the Master Layer.

16 Rhythm: Template + Restore [B] Min:+0000 Max:+0012 - - - - Switch 8

Chooses one of 63 different Rhythm Pattern Templates, that can be used to drive a rhythmic retriggering of the LFOs (when using Switch 3, Note Trigger). The “Min” setting will choose the stored Rhythm Pattern, while the “Max” setting will choose one of the 63 templates. By changing the Max setting here, you can control which alternate Rhythm Pattern is selected by Switch 8.

17 Env: Env On/Off [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0001 - - - - Switch 5
18 Env: Env Type [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0101 Val:+0085 - - - -
19 Env: Start Level [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 5
20 Env: Attack Time [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 7
21 Env: Attack Lvl [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 6
22 Env: Decay Time [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 7
23 Env: Sustain Lvl [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 5
24 Env: Rel. Time [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Val:+0000 - - - -
25 Env: Rel. Level [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Ctr:+0050 Slider 5
26 Env: Amp Amount [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0099 Val:+0099 - - - -
27 Env: Time Scale [2] 079 Min:+0001 Max:+0010 Ctr:+0005 Slider 8
28 Env: Tempo Reltv [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0001 Val:+0001 - - - -
29 Env: Loop Mode [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0002 - - - - Switch 6
30 Env: Note Trig [2] 079 Min:+0000 Max:+0001 - - - - Switch 7

17-30 are the same as 1-14, except they are assigned to Envelope 2.

31 Rhythm: Ties-Random Factor [1] Min:-0099 Max:+0099 Val:+0099 - - - -

Allows the Random Ties Factor built into the Rhythm Patterns to be varied if desired. The default setting above is “no randomization, no rests.” Note that a setting of -99, is also no randomization, but adds in all the rests, resulting in a completely different set of Rhythm Patterns. In a Combi, this can be assigned to the Master Layer.

32 Rhythm: Strt/Dot/Trip Mults [B] Min:+0006 Max:+0009 - - - - Switch 4

Allows you to choose a Rhythm Multiplier setting that will be activated by Switch 4, altering the underlying rhythmic note pattern that can be used to trigger the LFOs when the Note Trigger switches are on. The settings shown here will double the rhythms, from 100% to 200%.

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