KARMA 2: Velocity Control Reference

In Progress

Velocity Control

Velocity Control refers in general to several different ways of affecting the velocities of the Notes that KARMA generates. The way that velocities are controlled and generated in KARMA are controlled by the parameters in the Velocity Group. The settings are stored in the GE and can be varied in real-time (from the control surface of your keyboard or slider box, or stored as settings in the different scenes), depending how the Performance is configured.

In general, an Initial Velocity is arrived at based on how hard you play the input notes, or an absolute setting - this is controlled by the Velocity Mode setting. This Initial Velocity is applied to all the notes being generated as a starting velocity. From there, certain notes may be raised or lowered based on a Velocity Pattern, and the Velocity Scale parameter.

About Velocity Patterns

A Velocity Pattern represents amounts to be subtracted from the initial velocities of notes as they are about to be generated. This can therefore be used to provide patterns of accents in the Generated Notes, while retaining some of the original velocity information if desired. Choices can be made from “random pools” of values as described in detail later on.

Initial velocity is determined by the setting of the Velocity Mode, and how hard the notes are played when providing input notes. For example, if Velocity Mode was set to “Constant” and Velocity Value to “124,” then all of the generated notes would have an Initial Velocity of 124. Playing them with a Velocity Pattern of “0 -20 -40” would produce the following accented velocities:

124 104 84 124 104 84 etc…

Velocity Patterns are additive to Velocity Envelopes, and are compressed to the degree that the envelope approaches zero. In other words, a wide Velocity Pattern will become less wide as the envelope approaches zero to prevent notes from disappearing.

Velocity Patterns may be scaled by the “Velocity Scale” parameter, yielding precise control over how a Velocity Pattern affects an instrument, and additional variations.

A Velocity Pattern will loop as long as note generation continues. It normally will not reset to the beginning of the Pattern unless a new trigger is received, or the Phase Page has been configured to restart it at the beginning of certain Phases by using the [pr] (pattern restart] buttons. For example, this means that a four step Note Pattern can be looping while an eight step Velocity Pattern and a twelve step Cluster Pattern are also independently looping at the same time.

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