KARMA 2: Triggering modules from a sequencer with KARMA M3 Software
You want *recorded* CC messages in a sequencer/DAW (for example) to trigger the Real-time control functions of the KARMA M3 Software.
- Make sure the DAW is sending the CC Messages on the KL Virtual Out B, let's say Channel 1 (although it could be any channel as long as you determine it ahead of time to match the next step)
- In the KARMA M3 software, in the Preferences dialog > RT Controls tab, you will see an input port for Receiving Real-Time Control Messages. You would set this to KL Virtual In B, and the same MIDI Channel as step 1.
- To record KARMA's output data into the DAW, you would set the ports in the MIDI Ins & Outs Editor, in the bottom Output Section, to KL Virtual Out A (in each Performance), and in the DAW, be receiving MIDI to be recorded from KL Virtual In A. You leave the Global MIDI Ports In/Out at the top of the MIDI Ins & Outs Editor set to the M3.
- If you want MIDI Notes from the DAW to trigger KARMA (i.e. you recorded a control track of chords played from the keyboard), then these would be sent from the DAW on KL Virtual A, and in the MIDI Ins & Outs Editor, Input Section, you would select KL VIrtual A as the input as well.
page revision: 6, last edited: 21 Sep 2013 19:20