Misc: How to add/edit/delete pages

A wiki is a collaborative project. Wikis don't write themselves; everyone can help!
- If the wiki doesn't have a "how-to" article that you're looking for, why not create that article yourself after you've figured out how to do it with your KARMA-related product? This way, other people can benefit from what you've learned. You don't have to be a great writer, fluent in English, or know all the ins and outs of the markup language for Wikidot. Just create a new page in the appropriate article category and take your best shot at explaining how to do something. Other people can clean up the article later.
- If you find an article that seems incomplete, confusing, or inaccurate and you think you could improve it somehow, then why not fix it yourself so that the next person who reads that article doesn't encounter the same problem that you did?
- If you think there's a problem with an article but you don't know how to fix it yourself, you can easily flag the article with a special fix-me tag and post a comment describing what's wrong in the article's discussion thread. This provides information that might help somebody else improve the article.
Note: to perform any of the following tasks, you will need to register an account on Wikidot.com and become a member of this Karma-Lab wiki. For more information, refer to How to join this wiki. Furthermore, once you have an account, you need to be logged in to perform the following tasks. You can log-in with the link over the search box in the left sidebar.
To create a new article
- Go to the start page of the article category for which you want to create a new article. (Click article categories in the top menu to do this.)
- In the middle of the side menu, enter a basic name for your article in the box above the Add new … page button - use lower case and dashes between words, such as useful-wiki-reference-links. Then click the "Add New Page" button. A new template page designed especially for that article category appears. (You can also go to the category page, which will have the URL 'karma-lab.wikidot.com/category:start', and change the 'start' word to your new article's name. Enter it and it will tell you that the page does not yet exist, and would you like to create one?)
- The template page opens in Edit mode. At the bottom of the page editor, click preview to show you a preview of the template. All the brown-colored guidance text tells you how to fill out the template and create the article. You can follow the suggested format, or simply delete all of the text (except for the floatgraphic include at the top) and construct your own article - not all articles need to follow this format. But by the time you are finished, you should have removed all the brown-colored text.
- Set the page parent at the bottom of the page (click on the + Options button) to be the category start page, i.e. category:start. You will see breadcrumbs appear at the top.
- Add tags using the tags button at the bottom of the page. For more information, refer to How to choose useful page tags.
An article detailing the creation of a new page by way of example can be found here:
To revise an existing article
- At the bottom of the page, click edit, make your revisions to the page, and then click save.
- Look at the current page tags listed at the bottom of the page and consider whether the changes you've made might warrant adding some additional tags. If so, at the bottom of the page, click tags and add the new tags. For more information, refer to how-to-choose-useful-page-tags.
- Look at the breadcrumb trail at the top of the article and consider whether the changes you've made might warrant placing this article under a different parent page. If so, at the bottom of the page, click parent and specify the name of the new parent page (this is always the last part of the URL for the parent page).
To flag an article as needing revision
- At the bottom of the page, click discuss and add a comment that describes what you think is currently wrong with the article. Give enough information that will help the person who tries to fix the article.
- At the bottom of the page, click tags and add the special tag fix-me to the page. This makes it easy to find all the articles that might need some improvement.
- Periodically check your Wikidot account's private messages inbox in case somebody trying to fix the article has additional questions for you.
To flag an article as needing deletion
- At the bottom of the page, click discuss and add a comment that describes why you think the article should be deleted.
- At the bottom of the page, click tags and add the special tag delete-me to the page. This enables administrators and moderators to find pages that somebody thinks need to be deleted from the wiki.
- Periodically check your Wikidot account's private messages inbox in case the admin/mod evaluating whether the page should be deleted has additional questions for you.
To find tips and documentation
When editing an article, there is a wiki syntax description link, beneath the editor box, that explains the Wikidot syntax. There are also two other helpful resources:
- The help link at the bottom of every page takes you to the Wikidot documentation pages.
- The Wikidot Community Portal contains user forums and a very useful set of Community Howto articles.