User:shannong: Index of PROTO146

The PROTO146 folder contains my customized version of the Kid Nepro Proto Rock 1.46 sound set. It is meant to be swapped out wholesale with other sound sets in my M3.

Loading the sound set

Load both PROTO146.PCG and PROTO146.KSC into the M3 at the same time, and Clear RAM Samples memory for the KSC contents. This will entirely overwrite the contents of any existing sound set.

Sound set contents

Usage notes

Tips for using programs/combis 000-017

  • Most of these have KARMA synced to the Drum Track to ensure that the first beat of KARMA patterns starts with the first beat of the rhythm loop.
  • KARMA scene changes must be generally be triggered in time with the rhythm loop (usually on the downbeat) to keep the two rhythms in sync. This is more important for some combis/programs than others.
  • Most of the rhythm loops are in a certain key, which locks you into playing in the same key as the rhythm loop.
  • You can change the tempo without changing the pitch (key) of the rhythm loop. However, some loops will tolerate this better than others and large tempo changes will create obvious gaps or other artifacts in the sound of the rhythm loop.
  • Many of the rhythm loops themselves are programmed to respond in interesting ways to the joystick, SW1/SW2, and the ribbon controller, so be sure to experiment with these.

General layout of the combi/program banks

  • Program bank U-F contains 32 new RADIAS "classic synth" programs in slots 000-031. The remaining slots contain (sometimes tweaked) copies of selected default system RADIAS programs.
  • Program bank U-G contains all new non-RADIAS programs:
    • Note that 000-064 all use Drum Track programs that are themselves in this same program bank, so if this bank is loaded into a different bank for any reason, the Drum Track programs must be manually reassigned.
    • Programs 000-017 contain the programs that use the multisample rhythm loops. The rhythm loops play on the Drum Track.
    • Programs 018-063 contain the other new programs that are meant be played on their own as complete programs. (Except for 034 The Mob, which is meant more for SFX use.)
    • Programs 064-114 contain sounds that are not generally meant to be played on their own, but are instead used to enhance the sound set's combis in various ways. However, some of these do make for decent programs on their own. 18 of these (097-113) are the programs that comprise the converted rhythm loops used for the Drum Track in programs/combis 000-017.
    • Programs 115-127 are empty.
  • Combi bank U-G:
    • Slots 000-017 contain the combis that use the multisample rhythm loops. The user drum pattern that plays the converted rhythm loop is defined in the combi's Drum Track. The program that is associated with MIDI channel 10 is the converted rhythm loop (usually the last program in the combi).
    • Slots 018-063 contain combis that do not use the multisample rhythm loops.
    • Slots 064-095 contain combis that use the 32 new RADIAS classic synth programs.

Copyright considerations

Program 014 (Uncle Tony Lives) and combi 008 (Uncle Tony 2007) are the only program and combi that you must get permission from Kid Nepro to use in a commercial format. See the PDF that comes with the sound set for more detailed information.

Contents of the PCG file

The PCG file contains my standard interchangeable sound set structure:

  • Program banks U-F and U-G
  • Combi banks U-B through U-D and U-F, U-G
  • Drum Kits U-A through U-G
  • Drum Track User Patterns
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