User:shannong: Index of TRITON

The @TRITON folder contains a sound set of M3 programs created to emulate popular Triton sounds, created by David Lardic ("Triton M3 V2", downloaded from the Korg Downloads for M3 site). It is meant to be swapped out wholesale with other sound sets in my M3.

Loading the sound set

Just load the entire TRITON.PCG file into the M3. This will entirely overwrite the contents of any existing sound set.

Sound set contents

Program/Combi lists

  • Program Banks
    • U-G contains 90 EDS programs
  • Combi Banks
    • None

Contents of the PCG file

The PCG file contains my standard interchangeable sound set structure:

  • Program banks U-F and U-G
  • Combi banks U-B through U-D and U-F, U-G
  • Drum Kits U-A through U-G
  • Drum Track User Patterns
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